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Internship at Insure My Team


Primary Designer


12 weeks

Design Objective

To create an online group health insurance platform for companies so that employers and employees have easy access to their policies and policy-related activities.

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01 Work and Research

Before building anything, I had to spend my first 2 weeks just getting acquainted with the terms and functions of the health insurance world.

India’s insurance market is filled with bygone products, which do not cater to 95% of the market's demand for specific products such as illness-specific insurance, primary care with insurance, and surgical insurance to name a few.
IMT's aim was to target this white space by creating digital products that fulfill the new demand by empowering agents. 

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How does the corporate health industry work?

Currently, there is a lot of bureaucracy in the system as many stakeholders are involved and the technology is outdated.

IMT wanted to build a new health insurance servicing platform that empowers employers by simplifying buying and servicing policies. Agents are the largest insurance distribution channel in India and cover 85% of premium collection.

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Based on research and interviewers with stakeholders, we prioritized the following features for the IMT platform:


Easy to Understand Policy Terms for Employees and Employers


Simplifying Member and Payment Management for Employers and Agents


Straightforward and communicative claim-filing process for Employees

02 My Experience 

This was a fast-paced and intensive internship. I entered a completely new world of health insurance where I had no experience. While it took me a while to get used to industry terms, once I did, progress was fast and iterative. I worked closely with the CTO who ensured all my ideas were heard. In this close-knit format, the time from ideation to delivery was quick. Because of this format, I learned to deliver ideas and iterate quickly while also becoming better at leveraging Figma's features. I did not have to spend a lot of time advocating for user-friendly interfaces and could concentrate my full energy on building them. I had the chance to iterate extensively for desktop and mobile use cases. My designs were developed into a working platform that now supports over 150,000 members across over 550 companies. InsureMyTeam is now also backed by Y-combinator. Overall, this was a very rewarding and nurturing experience!

Check out their website:

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