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Critique Stül




6 weeks

Design Objective

To create an easy-to-manufacture stool for College of Design students to use while ongoing critique sessions.

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Stool Competition Winner

01 Understand

The College of Design wanted to create a stool for critiquing sessions that was cheap, easy to manufacture, and fit into the design language of the building.

The students want a stool that is easy to carry and doesn't need to be dragged to the critique area. They also prefer a separate stool for this area in case they want to continue working in the studio area on their chair.

Critique Stool Design Requirements

Sitting Height
Easy to Store
Sturdy / Lightweight
Easy Mobility
Designed for Manufacturing
College of Design Aesthetic

College of Design Aesthetic Research

Natural wood

The College of Design uses a lot of repeating geometrical patterns and exposed wood throughout the building.

02 Develop

We realized we needed a stool that was easy to store and quick to access. While conducting visual research of the space we realized that the railings were underutilized yet easy to access. We wanted to try to use them to store our stools.

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We tested out various rail hanging mechanisms and compared them against 4 criteria:
1. How easy it was to remove and put back on the railing
2. How much space it took up
3. How stable it was once hanging from the railing
4. How complicated it was to manufacture

One design clearly stood out!

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But we needed to refine this concept in a few areas

Handle Placement

The handle needed to be positioned in a natural and intuitive place for students to access.

Ergonomics of Seat

The seat itself needed to be comfortable as students would sit on it for long periods of time.

Weight of Solid Chair

If students were expected to carry this stool, it needed to be extremely lightweight to use.

03 Deliver

Based on the feedback we created our final stool

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Used minimal material of a 4x4 sheet of wood cut with a CNC machine

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Very easy to assemble without using screws or other fasteners.

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Very easy to store  and fit into COD aesthetic

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Natural handle placement makes the stool easy to pick up

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The dipped seat follows natural contours to add comfort

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The negative space reduces the weight of the chair while still feeling comfortable to sit on

The chair cut out makes it fit on the railing snuggly without fear of falling over

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